Who we are

We are three hundred families, small-scale coffee growers in Ecuador. We hope to maintain a healthy and dignified life, and thanks to coffee growing and related activities such as tourism, we are able to generate local employment, sources of income, and sustainable development.
Since 1998, we have grown to include many families, extending and improving our partner coffee farms. We have improved our efficiency and quality in order to render our efforts profitable and rewarding for the life and economy of Intag.
Café Río Intag also works to improve environmental educational, conserve our primary forest, protect our watershed, and support local tourism.
The coffee roasting and selling cooperative, Agro-artisanal Association for Coffee Growers of the Intag River (AACRI), is associated with the Ecuadorian Corporation of Coffee Growers (CORACE) and is part of the National Council of Coffee Growers in Ecuador.